New to Satsuma
Garbage Collection Days
Information regarding garbage collections:
What is the size of the cart? The standard size is 96 gallons and is equivalent to about 3 ½ regular garbage cans. It has large wheels, which makes it easy to move.
What is the cost? The garbage fee is $20.50 per month for the first cart. A second cart can be added for an additional cost of $10.25 per month.
Where should I put the cart on collection day? Roll the cart out and position it at one side of the driveway about three feet from the street. Don’t put the cart in front of your mailbox, which may cause problems with your mail delivery or within three (3) feet of any other obstruction because the truck will not be able to get close enough to empty it.
When should I put the cart out? Put the cart out the night before the scheduled pick up to avoid being missed. The collector will begin as early as 6:00 a.m. each morning and may not come the same time each week. If your cart was out on time but not picked up, please call 679-3182 so that we can contact the driver.
How full may I fill the cart? You may fill the cart completely full as long as the lid will completely close. Carts that are over-filled may not dump correctly and spill refuse. Spills caused by over-filled carts are the resident’s responsibility to clean up and could be a violation of our Storm Water Management Plan if debris is washed down into the storm drains. Please keep the lid closed at all times to keep out animals and rain.
What kind of refuse can I put into the cart? You may include household garbage, as well as yard and garden materials which have been cut to fit properly into the carts. Please put grass clippings and wet garbage in bags before putting it into the cart. It will empty better and keep the cart cleaner.
What kind of refuse if prohibited? DO NOT PUT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN THE CART. Do not put rocks, bricks or similar materials in the cart. If the cart is too heavy then damage may occur. Residents may be required to pay for damaged carts caused by abuse or negligence.
What if I am unable to take my cart to the road because of a disability or I am an elderly citizen? If you are a citizen over the age of 65 or disable and are unable to put your cart to the road, please contact Bridgett Nolan at 670-3182 or 370-6117.
Trash Ramp
Leaf and Limb Pickup
Violations of these or any other ordinances may result in penalties per Code of Ordinance 377, City of Satsuma, Section 1-14.
Tree Removal
Business License
Motor Vehicles or Trailers
Right of Way Permit
Swimming Pools
Satsuma City Hall
Call this number for City Clerk, Business License, Senior Services, and Court.
Satsuma City Hall is located at 5464 Old Highway 43
Council Meeting: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month- 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Meetings: 1st Thursday of the month- 6:00 p.m.
Building Inspector/Code Enforcer
Building Inspector/Code Enforcer 251-675-1440
Public Works
Public Works 251-679-3182
Fire Department
Police Department
Satsuma Public Library
Satsuma Senior Center
Satsuma City Schools
Central Office 251-380-8200
Robert E. Lee Elementary 251-380-8210
Satsuma High School 251-380-8190
Satsuma Post Office
Alabama Power 1-800-245-2244
Mediacom 1-855-633-4226 Local office for payments- 5807-A Highway 43
Mobile Gas 251-476-8052