Animal Control
Please be respectful of your neighbors by obeying the leash law.
Please be reminded that dogs and cats running at large is a violation of Ordinance 377 (see below). The City receives several calls a week complaining of dogs and cats running at large. Therefore, the City is moving forward with enforcing the Ordinance and writing citations for owners who allow their dogs or cats to roam the streets. If you have a complaint about a stray or unwanted animal running at large, please call the police department (251-675-0151).
There are several agencies which can help with unwanted animals such as the Mobile County SPCA (251-633-3531) or the Animal Rescue Foundation (251-478-9743). Both of these agencies have non-kill shelters where dogs and cats are held until they can be adopted out.
ORDINANCE 377– SECTION 1-.42 states that “ No owner of a dog or cat shall permit such dog or cat to run at-large at any time within the city, and any such owner who does so shall be guilty of an offence against the city. Upon conviction of such offense, such owner shall be punished as set forth in Section 1-14. Section 1-14 states “… a person convicted of a violation of this Code shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00, imprisonment or confinement at hard labor for a term not exceeding six months…”
ORDINANCE NO. 520 An ordinance to Amend Section 10 of the Satsuma Code (on Animals)